MATLAB: How to get an M-lint report without opening the files in the Editor


I would like to see the errors in my files reported by M-lint but I do not want to open the files in the Editor.

Best Answer

There are several ways to get the M-lint report on the files in your directory:
1. Run the M-Lint Code Check Directory Report. For step-by-step instructions on how to run the M-lint Code Check Directory Report, please refer to the documentation by executing the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
web([docroot '/techdoc/matlab_env/f9-11863.html'])
2. Use MLINT function. For example, using MLINT with the following syntax:
returns the M-Lint information in a structure array whose length is the number of suspicious constructs found. If you specify multiple file names as input, or if you specify a cell array as input, 'inform' contains a cell array of structures.
For more information on MLINT and the possible syntaxes you can use with it, please refer to the documentation by executing the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
doc mlint
3 Use MLINTPRT function which will run MLINT for file or directory, reporting results in browser. For more information on MLINTPRT, please refer to the documentation by executing the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
doc mlintrpt