MATLAB: How to get an equation for a desired variable from a three variable equation using MATLAB

desired variableequationExtended Symbolic Math ToolboxMATLABSymbolic Math Toolboxthree variable equation

clc; clear all;
syms x y u v psi
a = 0.5; b = -2; c = -1.5;
psi = a*x^3 + b*y + c*x % three variable equation
% In the above equation psi is dependent on x & y
% But I want to get an expression for y in terms of psi and x
% The solution should look like y = (psi - a*x^3 - c*x) / b

Best Answer

syms x y u v psi a b c;
eqn=psi == a*x^3 + b*y + c*x;