MATLAB: How to get an array of all field elements of a 1xN structure


Hi. I was not able to find an answer to my question, so I am asking it here. Is there a more direct way to get an array of all elements of a structure.field?
What I want is a direct one-liner which gives me the same as:
for ii = 1:length(Results)
Test(ii,1) = Results(ii).end_dates;
(Test is a 222×1 array)
something like:
Test = Results(:).end_dates
whereby this line somehow just gives me Results(1).end_dates, so just the first element of the field…
This is my structure: (a little bit small here, so also as an attachement)

Best Answer

If the values stored in .end_dates are scalars,
Test = [Results(:).end_dates]'; %Test will be column vector
If the values stored in .end_dates are row vectors of identical length,
Test = cell2mat({Results(:).end_dates}'); %Test will be matrix
If the values stored in .end_dates are column vectors of identical length,
Test = [Results(:).end_dates]; %Test will be a matrix
If the values stored in .end_dates are strings or matricies of uneqal size,
Test = {Results(:).end_dates}'; % Test will be a columnar cell array