MATLAB: How to Get a Structure as an Output from a Function

function outputfunctionsoutputssortingstructures

I have this function made to sort data into a structure. However, when I call a directory as the input, I can't seem to get an output. I call it by doing
However, when I set x=sortdata(dir([foldername(1).standard,'\*.dat'])), within the function and run it, I get my desired Srt structure.
Any ideas?
This is the function:
function []=filesort(x)
C = {'Z1P'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z1P = S(idx);
C = {'Z2P'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z2P = S(idx);
C = {'Z1G'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z1G = S(idx);
C = {'Z2G'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z2G = S(idx);
C = {'Z3K'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z3K = S(idx);
C = {'Z4K'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z4K = S(idx);
C = {'Z5K'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z5K = S(idx);
C = {'Z3M'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z3M = S(idx);
C = {'Z4M'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z4M = S(idx);
C = {'Z5M'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z5M = S(idx);
C = {'Z6MS'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z6MS = S(idx);
C = {'Z7PR'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z7PR = S(idx);
C = {'Z7PR1'};
S = x;
fun = @(s)cellfun('isempty',regexp(s,C,'once'));
idx = cellfun(@(s)any(~fun(s)),{});
Srt.Standard(1).Z7PR1 = S(idx);

Best Answer

You did not define your function to have any output:
function []=filesort(x)
^^ no output argument!
Also your code is much longer and much more complicated than it needs to be. Try this (I just tested it):
function otpS = filesort(inpS)
C = {'Z1P','Z2P','Z1G','Z2G','Z3K','Z4K','Z5K','Z3M','Z4M','Z5M','Z6MS','Z7PR','Z7PR1'};
N = {};
otpS = struct();
for k = 1:numel(C)
idx = cellfun('isempty',regexp(N,C{k},'once'));
otpS.(C{k}) = inpS(~idx);
Tip: computers are only good at doing one thing: repeatedly doing small stupid tasks. So when you find yourself copy-and-pasting code like that, and repeating the same code over and over again, then you are doing the computer's job. Instead of wasting your life, get the computer to do it: use a loop.