MATLAB: How to get a string to change everytime the xMax value changes


Hi guys, I want the string '47.4' to change everytime the xMax value changes,
x=linspace(0, 80, 200);
y4=@(x) (0.02049/0.4)*x-(0.66*60./(1+(1.331./(sqrt(0.0631*x./(83.17-x))).^3)));
f = y4(x);
[y4Max, iMax] = max(f)
xMax = x(iMax)
y_lim = ylim;
line([xMax xMax],[y_lim(1) y4Max])
text(xMax,y4Max + 0.1,'47.4','HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontSize', 15)
the string '47.4' is actually the value of xMax, but I want it to change everytime xMax changes.
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

You can try
>> text(xMax,y4Max + 0.1,num2str(xMax),'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontSize', 15)
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