MATLAB: How to get a numerical output by substituting the variable values of a expression which includes MeijerG function in matlab

subssymbolicSymbolic Math Toolboxsyms

I tried implementing the below code:
sym u
G =str2sym('meijerG([0.5,1],[2],[3.296,3],[0],0.8595/(0.5*u))');
oj=double( subs(G,u,1) );
But I am getting the below error:
Error in sym/double (line 672)
Xstr = mupadmex('symobj::double', S.s, 0);
Error in exaaaaa (line 8)
oj=double( subs(MG,u,1) );
I should get the output as a number .could u have a look and help me solve this…

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syms u
% ^-—-— missed s at the end