MATLAB: How to generate variable name from a for loop using Portfolio function

for loopnamesportfolio

Hello. I need help to create my portfolio with Portfolio function with different names!
When I use this function in a for-loop then I am not able to store the different portfolio with different names!
i = length(c_1{1,:})
for x = [1:i]
% w = num2str(x)
p = Portfolio('AssetList',c_1(x,:))
% a = ['p_1_',w]
c_1 is a matrix with different assets in each rows, and I want for evry roes a different portfolio.
the problem is that I want to call evry portfolio in a different names, like p_1, p_2 , ecc…. But I can not do it!
Is a Problem of Portfolio function?
I need different names because after I have to add other constrains to the portfolios and calculate other moments of this portfolios!
the real aim of the code is to extract the portfolio with better mean.
If you anyone could propose a snippet of code that would be able to do this for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

Although possible using eval(), creating variable names dynamically is considered a bad coding practice: It will make your code hard to understand and debug. It is better to create arrays.
For example, instead of
c_1 = 1;
c_2 = 5;
c = [1 5]
and then access using indexing