MATLAB: How to generate the impulse response of a linear or nonlinear system using MATLAB, SIMULINK, impulse, lsim, or ode45

Control System ToolboxSimulink Control DesignSimulink Response Optimization

I would like to generate the impulse response of a linear or nonlinear system using MATLAB, SIMULINK, impulse, lsim, or ode45.
I also wonder if there are any examples showing how to generate an impulse response.

Best Answer

In Release 14, Control System Toolbox linearization features for Simulink have been extensively enhanced and moved to a new product named Simulink Control Design. The linearization features are no longer available in the Control System Toolbox. For more information, see the following:
If you are using an earlier version, see the following:
The secret to obtaining impulse responses lies in using the initial conditions that arise from impulse input. This approach is outlines in the attached Tech Note 1901, "How Do I Obtain an Impulse Response?"
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