MATLAB: How to generate simple feed-forward code with accuracy

classificationfeed forwardMATLABneuralsignal processing

Hai. I am new to Matlab and Artificial Intelligent field. Therefore, I need your kind help to generate a simple feed forward for classification. I tried to use simple feed forward coding in Matlab R2012b but I do not know how to check the accuracy. I ve tried different code but it always lead to many errors. I do not know how to fix. I have attached my extracted features data. I need to classify 4 classes.
Previously, I have used this feed-fwd coding but i dont know how to check the accuracy. Plus, what is mean by the performance value?
clear all;
x = xlsread('mmg_selinp.xlsx');
t = xlsread('mmg_masout.xlsx');
x = x';
t = t';
net = feedforwardnet([15 10],'traingdx')
net = train(net,x,t);
y = net(x);
perf = perform(net,y,t)
Sorry, i am really new to Matlab and AI. Your help is highly appreciated. I am not sure whether there s problem with my data. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Use patternnet for classification.
help patternnet
doc patternnet
For c classes, the target columns are obtained from eye(c).
Search the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS using
greg patternnet
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