MATLAB: How to generate report using Web checks filter in Polyspace

Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

I wish to generate a report for Web checks metrics only. Currently, when I set the filter to Web checks in Polyspace results to view only the new findings, the generated report contains 0 results.  

Best Answer

This workflow is currently a limitation of Polyspace Reports and Metrics. 
There is a workaround which will enable generating report for the Web checks. Please refer to the attached image and follow the steps outlined below:
1. In the Results List menu, filter out all the Web checks first. 
2. Select all the Web checks (you can drag and select all checks with the mouse), and add a custom comment to these checks. In the attached image a comment has been added as "web checks".
3. Now again in the Results List, set the main filter to "All results".
4. In the Comment drop down filter menu, select only the custom comment checks, i.e. "web checks" in the attached image. 
5. Now generate the report. You should get only the Web checks as desired, the only difference is that the filtering is done based on the custom comments now.