MATLAB: How to generate noise with particular frequency

digital signal processingMATLAB

Hi. I want to generate a noise with a certain frequency, for example 10kHz but I do not know how to. So I just proceed with this code:
% Open standard demo sound that ships with MATLAB.
[perfectSound, freq] = audioread('music.wav');
noise = 0.1*randn(size(perfectSound));
% Play noise
soundsc(noise, freq);
% Get sampling frequency
xlabel('Length (in Second)');
% Graph it
wavefft=abs(fft(noise));%perform Fourier Transform
plot(f,wavefft);%plot Fourier Transform
xlabel('Frequency in Hz');
title('Noise FFT');
Then, result that I got is:
From workspace, the noise frequency is 44100 Hz. What should I do if I want to generate noise with different frequency?

Best Answer

Noise (‘white’ noise) is by definition broadband, so it does not have a specific frequency. You can create a 10 kHz signal with noise, but that is as close as you can get to doing what you want.
For example:
len = 15; % Length (sec)
f = 1E+4; % Frequency (Hz)
Fs = 8192; % Sampling Frequency (Hz)
t = linspace(0, len, Fs*len); % Time Vector
signal = sin(2*pi*f*t); % Signal (10 kHz sine)
sound(signal, Fs) % Original Signal
noise = signal + 0.1*randn(size(signal));
pause(15) % Wait For First Sound To Finish Playing
sound(noise, Fs) % Noisy Signal
You could also create and use an audiplayer object with playblocking, instead of inserting a pause call.