MATLAB: How to generate colored gaussian noise of a certain length


Hello, I am trying to generate colored gaussian noise in order to mimic neural noise.

Best Answer

It depends on what ‘color’ you want the noise to have. There are several ways to do it.
To create ‘1/f’ noise for example, this works:
fv = linspace(0, 1, 20); % Normalised Frequencies
a = 1./(1 + fv*2); % Amplitudes Of ‘1/f’
b = firls(42, fv, a); % Filter Numerator Coefficients
freqz(b, 1, 2^17) % Filter Bode Plot
N = 1E+6;
ns = randn(1, N);
invfn = filtfilt(b, 1, ns); % Create ‘1/f’ Noise
plot([0:N-1], invfn) % Plot Noise In Time Domain
FTn = fft(invfn-mean(invfn))/N; % Fourier Transform
plot([0:N/2], abs(FTn(1:N/2+1))*2) % Plot Fourier Transform Of Noise
See the documentation on the firls (link) function for details on how to use the function to shape the noise spectrum to meet your requirements.