MATLAB: How to generate code for a trained RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network in MATLAB

neural network

I have successfully trained an RBF network using two layers and I can readily get the weights and biases for both layers. Using these weighs and bias values I want to reproduce the network to track the values of the inputs at various stages. Unlike In MLP, I can't seem to find any means to generate the code for the trained network. So far what I have done are as follows.
note: Before training the RBF with newrb I normalized the inputs and outputs between 0.1 to 0.9 under normalizations ids [pn,ps] and [tn,ts] respectively.
iw=cell2mat(net.iw(1));         %input weight lw=cell2mat(net.lw(2,1));       %layerweight
ib=cell2mat(net.b(1));           %input bias lb=cell2mat(net.b(2));           %layer bias
a= radbas(netprod(dist(iw,pn),ib));       %radial basis transfer function applied to the distance between iw and pn.
a2=dotprod(net.lw{2,1},a);                    %product of first layer output with layer weights
a2=gadd(a2,net.b{2});                         %add with layer bias
a2=mapminmax('reverse',a2,ts);         %reverse the normalization as followed in the newrb which was from 0.1 to 0.9
However I am not getting the a2 outputs equal to the ones I got from net(pn).
Please help me.

Best Answer

1. To obtain source code use the command TYPE:
type newrb
However, If you have older versions of MATLAB, the code is MUCH, MUCH easier to understand.
2. I don't remember if I have posted anything on the actual code itself. However, you can search
greg radbas 16 23
greg newrb 56 148
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formerly accepting my answer