MATLAB: How to generate C code from a Simulink model with a Neural Nework in the Matlab base workspace

code generationDeep Learning Toolboxkeras neural network

I have a Python Neural Network model, developped with Keras, and I want to embed it in a dSpace controller which works with C code. There is a dSpace Toolbox that imports a Simulink model in the controller by compiling it in C code, the 'Build Model' function.
I have succesfully imported my trained Python Neural Network in the Matlab Worspace with the Deep Learning Toolbox and the importKerasNetwork function. In Simulink I can use the Neural Network for prediction via the MATLAB function block with the following code and simulation of the Simulink model works :
function y = fcn(X)
NN = evalin('base','NN');
y = double(predict(NN,X));
Here is my problem :
When I try to embed my Simulink model in the dSpace controller it doesn't work as :
  • coder.extrinsic is not compatible with code generation,
  • I am trying to embed a NN that is stored in the Matlab base workspace.
Should I rebuild my Neural Network in Simulink with the Simulink Deep Learning Toolbox blocks or is there a way to solve my problem in another way?
Thank you in advance for your time!

Best Answer

The code generator does not produce code for the body of the extrinsic function and instead uses the MATLAB® engine to execute the call. This functionality is available only when the MATLAB engine is available in MEX functions, Simulink® simulations, or during calls at compile time. For more information refer the link below