MATLAB: How to generate c code for inbuilt MATLABfunction using codegen

c codecodegenlibrary functionmatlab coderprojective

codegen worked fine in simple functions I wrote. I have to generate c code forestimateGeometricTransform
1)Tried with all inputs defined | *
codegen estimateGeometricTransform -args {M1,M2,ch} -report -config:lib
*Error recieved* * _:The extrinsic function 'projective2d' is not available for standalone code generation. It must be eliminated for stand-alone code to be generated. It could not be eliminated because its outputs appear to influence the calling function. Fix this error by not using 'projective2d' or by ensuring that its outputs are unused.
Error in ==> estimateGeometricTransform Line: 174 Column: 17 Code generation failed: Open error report. Error using codegen (line 144)_ *
2)So tried to bypass code generation of projective2d by addinf a line in the inbuilt function
coder.extrinsic ('affine2d','projective2d');
*Error recieved* same as above
3)tried to eliminate line of code where ' * projective2d' * appears
%tform = projective2d(tmatrix);
Error recieved Output argument 'tform' is not assigned on some execution paths.
Error in ==> estimateGeometricTransform Line: 1 Column: 11 Code generation failed: Open error report. Error using codegen (line 144)

Best Answer

New versions of MATLAB Coder should support
for code generation (R2013a and later). See projective2d for more information.
will not help when compiling with
where the extrinsic function has a side effect - usually via an output variable. Put another way, coder.extrinsic will only help when compiling with -config:lib if the the use of the function is "dead". See coder.extrinsic for more information.
The commenting out of the line that assigns tform results in an error because tform can no longer be proven to be definitely assigned before first used. For example, changing
tform = ...
% tform = ...
will result in an error because tform will not definitely be assigned before use (and in this example, is never assigned before use).