MATLAB: How to generate a vectorized version of a piecewise-defined function for use in the QUAD or QUADL for functions


I have created the following function that represents a piecewise-defined function:
function y = pieces(x)
if (0<=x)&(x<=1)
y = 3*x - 2;
elseif (1<x)&(x<=2)
y = 2 - x;
y = 0;
However, when I specify this function to the QUAD function:
I get the following error:
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> quad.m
On line 67 ==> if ~isfinite(y(7))

Best Answer

The QUAD function expects the integrating function to input a vector and return a vector of the same size. The given function will accept a vector, but returns a scalar.
Update your function with the vectorized version of this piecewise-defined function which is:
function y = pieces(x)
I1 = (0 <= x) & (x < 1);
I2 = (1 <= x) & (x < 2);
I3 = ~I1 & ~I2;
y = x; % Create y same size as x
y(I1) = 3*x(I1) + 2;
y(I2) = 2 - x(I2);
y(I3) = 0;