MATLAB: How to generate a no. of permutations(lets say 100) of a particular row of a matrix(consisting of 30 coloumns) and store the generated permutation into another array row wise?

genetic algorithmMATLABmatrixpermutation

Basically I am trying to generate population for my chromosome in genetic algorithm. I have made an array of 30 elements and now to generate the population, I have to permutate the elements of the array and store these permutations in form of a matrix row wise.Now can I do this using permute and other permutation functions in matlab or will I have to make a different method to generate this.Any reference codes shall be very helpful.

Best Answer

If r is the 30-element row vector being used, do this:
m = 100;
n = 30;
[~,p] = sort(rand(m,n),2);
s = reshape(r(p),m,n);
The rows of matrix s will each be a random permutation of r.