MATLAB: How to generate a License Report


I am aware that I can use the license center to administer my licenses. I would like to see detailed information regarding license usage, is it possible to view this information in a comprehensive report?

Best Answer

In order to generate a license report, you will first need to log into your MathWorks account (you must be an admin on the license in order to run a report). You can then download various types of automatically generated License Reports via the " Export License Data " button toward the top of the screen in an Excel (.xls) format. The types of data you can generate are:
- Product Summary
- Product Details
- Product Summary with End Users
- Product Details with End Users
- Unallocated Product
- Activation Details
- Un-Activated Licenses
- Licenses Without Users
- Licensed Users and Administrators
There are two options for you to Export License Data, this is done on either the License Level or on the Master License Level.
To do so on the Master License level, meaning generating a report for all licenses under the specific Master License, please follow the below steps:
2. Click on Master License you would like to run the report for
3. Click “Export Master License Data”
4. Choose the license data and format that you wish to export and “Export License Data”
To Run a License Report for all Licenses that you are an Administrator of, please do the following:
2. Click on “Export License Data”
3. Choose the license data and format that you wish to export and “Export License Data”
If you are experiencing issues with License Reports, or would like more information on License Reports, please contact MathWorks Customer Service.