MATLAB: How to generate a function from x-y vectors

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Hello MATLAB users. I got two vectors (say x and y). Is there any way to create a function i.e. y=f(x). I do not want the expression. I just want to create the function in matlab for further calculations. For ease: x=[1 5 0 32 8]; y=[10 1 654 32 100];

Best Answer

You question is not very clear, so I will try to guess what you are trying to do.
If you want to define a purely symbolic function f(x), use the following syntax.
syms f(x)
If you want to create a function from data points x and y, use the griddedInterpolant function to create a interpolation of x and y.
x=[1 5 0 32 8];
y=[10 1 654 32 100];
[~, index] = sort(x);
F = griddedInterpolant(x(index), y(index));