MATLAB: How, to further perform the bounded box only from a video frame for gesture recognition.

computer visionComputer Vision Toolboxgesturehandreal time video processing

Upto now, I can successfully detect the hand from a video. Now, i want to extract hog features of that bounded box only for gesture recognition. How, can I do that? I was following this video tutorial but i get lost during queryFisherVector extraction. Can anyone provide me some documentation link, or video tutorial or some file exchange link or explain here. Edit: You people may feel bored to go through whole video so lets ignore that, just show me the path how can I extract features for gesture recognition frame to frame or is there any efficient way for doing so. I need to process only the bounded box. Thank you.

Best Answer

You get a bounding box. You use imcrop() or indexing to extract the portion of the image within that box, creating a new image. You apply HOG to the new image.
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