MATLAB: How to format with fprintf to show 2 seperate listsas the output


Introductory course into matlab assignment. Im trying to list the n and A outputs into column list but can get the format right. They mix in between each other.
function [A] = Loanpayment( p,i);
n = input('Number of payments: ');
%A calcualtes the annual payment to be made
%P= Initial loan amount
%n= Annual payments agreed upon, in this case 5 payments were agreed
%i= Interest rate on P, loan amount
A = (p).* ((i.*(1+i).^n)./((1+i).^n -1));
z = linspace(A,0,n);
y = [1:n];
fprintf('Number of Payments Payment amount\n')%List of Number of...
%payments and amount per payment
fprintf('%g %25.3f \n',z)
fprintf('%g %25.3f \n',y)

Best Answer

Try this
function [A] = Loanpayment( p,i)
n = input('Number of payments: ');
%A calcualtes the annual payment to be made
%P= Initial loan amount
%n= Annual payments agreed upon, in this case 5 payments were agreed
%i= Interest rate on P, loan amount
A = (p).* ((i.*(1+i).^n)./((1+i).^n -1));
z = linspace(A,0,n);
y = [1:n];
fprintf('Number of Payments Payment amount\n')%List of Number of...
%payments and amount per payment
fprintf('%g\t%25.3f \n', [y; z])
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