MATLAB: How to form each data into integrated singnal stream

"from audio device"intergrated signal stream

From audio device puts out data by frame. Now my problem is how can I form each data into integrated singnal stream?
How to form each data into integrated singnal stream?

Best Answer

My friend, many thanks for your valuable reply.
Integrated signal stream means that each frame signal is saved in a variable and the variable will be processed.
If the frame signal is not saved in a variable, I will write each frame signal(10 s) into .mat file by To File and the data matrix size is 256x313. However, when the data is read from mat file by From file, only part of data can be read and the matrix size is 51x256. (The signal sampling is different). My problem is how can I read all the data, not part of data of the mat file?
I am looking forward to your answers and your suggestions. Thanks.