MATLAB: How to form an array with the input values

arrayMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

%How would i form an array if i had 5 inputs like this of random number
% displayed at the end.
x = 12;
num = 0;
for index = 1:5
y = input('Guess the number? ','s');
z = y + num;
if z >= 13
disp(' Too High! ')
elseif z <= 11
disp(' Too Low!')
else; z = x;
disp(' Correct! ')

Best Answer

The use of input() to collect data from a user is highly unconstrained and gives you, the programmer, very little control over the user's input (see problems with using input()).
There are several input validation functions you can and should use to force the user to enter valid responses. I recommend validateattributes if you want to return an error because it's intuitive and has been around for a while so it will work on later releases of Matlab.
If you want to re-prompt the user to enter a value after the user enters an invalid value, you could use a while loop along with some attribute-checks. For example, to force the user to enter a scalar, positive integer,
for index = 1:5
y = [0,0];
while numel(y)~=1 || mod(y,1)~=0 || y<0
y = input('Guess the number (scaler, positive integer)? ','s')

> "How would i form an array"
As WR mentioned, it depends on what you're storing. Since you're using the 's' flag to return strings, you could store the outputs in a string array or cell array.
An example of cell-array storage,
nLoops = 5;
y = cell(1,nLoops);
for index = 1:nLoops
y{index} = [0,0];
while numel(y{index})~=1 || mod(y{index},1)~=0 || y{index}<0
y{index} = input('Guess the number (scaler, positive integer)? ','s');
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