MATLAB: How to force subplots to remain square when I maximize a figure


I have a figure which has four subplots in it. The axes of the subplots are square when plotted. However when the figure is maximized, the subplots are no longer square.
An example is provided below:
figureHandle = figure;
subplot(2,2,1), plot(exp(1:100))
subplot(2,2,2), plot(sin(0:pi/100:4*pi))
subplot(2,2,3), plot(log(0:30))
subplot(2,2,4), plot(1:40)

Best Answer

This is an expected behavior. By default, the stretch-to-fill behavior for axes is enabled. By extracting the axes handles of all subplots and setting them to square, the desired behavior can be achieved.
An example is provided below:
% Extract axes handles of all subplots from the figure
axesHandles = findobj(get(figureHandle,'Children'), 'flat','Type','axes');
% Set the axis property to square