MATLAB: How to force MATLAB to ignore the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable


Other vendors also use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variables. This causes issues with my MATLAB installation. How do I force MATLAB to ignore the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable at startup?

Best Answer

MATLAB license information can be put into the MLM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. Check to see if your other software vendors use similar environment variables specific to their software. If possible, the best solution is to use a vendor specific environment variable for each program that would normally make use of LM_LICENSE_FILE.
If this is not possible, the only way to ensure that MATLAB does not read the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is to invoke MATLAB with a -c flag. This lets you specify exactly which license file MATLAB will read at startup. You can either call MATLAB directly from a command prompt or terminal window with this flag, or you can modify the target field of your shortcut to call MATLAB with this flag every time you launch it.
The syntax for running MATLAB from the command prompt or terminal will look like this:
On Windows this might looks like:
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\bin\matlab.exe" -c "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\licenses\license.lic"
On Mac OS X:
/Applications/ -c /Applications/
And on Linux:
/usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/bin/matlab -c /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/licenses/license.lic