MATLAB: How to force GUIHandles to include handles to axes.


Hello all,
In my GUI start function I do this:
hSpectatorGui = gcf;
And have the start function return hSpectatorGui.
I then call the same GUI from an m s-function and get the handles
handles = guihandles(hSpectatorGui)
The GUI has an edit box and an axes. Guihandles however only returns the handle to the GUI itself and the edit box. The handle to the axes isn't returned!! Something like
figure1: 4.623009155273438e+003
edit1: 4.624008911132813e+003
… where is the axes?!
This makes plotting extremely tricky. The tag isn't empty so as far as I can see should work.
Please help!

Best Answer

Do you mean:
handles = guidata(hSpectatorGui)