MATLAB: How to force a number to be displayed as a string


I have a list of numbers (6 digits) in the Excel. I read them as strings.
[~, ~, A] = xlsread('filename.xlsx');
The issue is that these number export into my txt file as scientific notation. For example, 123456 would appear as 1.23456 x 10^6. Of course, that doesn't work for a link. How do I force it so that it will be outputed as a normal number?
fprintf(fid, '<td widtd="6%%"><a href="">%s</a></td>\n', A{i,9}, A{i,9});

Best Answer

Are the numbers stored as numbers or character vectors in MATLAB?
class(A{i,9}) % double or char?
If the answer is double, then you want to use %d in your format string instead of %s.
fprintf(fid, '<td width="6%%"><a href="">%d</a></td>\n', A{i,9}, A{i,9});