MATLAB: How to flip heatmap Y axis


Hi all,
I am creating a heatmap based on a table with x and z coordinate and the parameter value for each position. I copy here an image of the table.
The command I am using to create the heatmap is this one:
figure = heatmap(table,'x','z','ColorVariable','value');
And the heatmap created is this one.
Does anybody know how could I flip the z values to show the '0' value at the bottom of the heatmap and the value '0.022' at the top instead of the opposite?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

hHM=heatmap(table,'x','z','ColorVariable','value'); % make heatmap, keep handle
hHM.NodeChildren(3).YDir='normal'; % turn Y-Axis normal direction
Yet another case where TMW has gotten far too clever and hidden the useful/needed properties for some reason only they can divine...