MATLAB: How to fix this weird plot behaviour


Hello. I have problem with dissapearin function using plot. It looks like this:
However if I change position of the view it disapears:
It is the case of only that function. Does somebody know, why?
hold on
ylim([678, 685])
plot(vysledkyM, 'r');
plot(vysledkyU, 'b');
plot(vysledkyS, 'g');
legend('death penalty','stupnova', 'umerna')
hold off
EDIT: Clarification of the question

Best Answer

hold all;
ylim([678, 685]);
plot(vysledkyM, 'r');
plot(vysledkyU, 'b');
plot(vysledkyS, 'g');
legend('death penalty','stupnova', 'umerna');
hold off;
This did the trick.
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