MATLAB: How to fix this error: In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same!!!

beginnererrormatrix array

Hi all,
I am very new to Matlab and I am trying to define a variable V to be any number >=700 within the following for loop:
for i = 1:29
disp(i) = norm([p1(1,i+1),p1(2,i+1)]-[p1(1,i),p1(2,i)])*1000;
V = randn(1x29);
v >= 700;
CL(i) = (W(i).*g)./(0.5*density*(V.^2)*S);
CD(i) = CDo + ((CL(i).^2)/(3.14*AR*e));
T = ((CD(i)/CL(i))*(W(i)*g))/1000;
Wf(i) = SFC*T*(disp(i)/V);
W(i+1) = W(i)-Wf(i);
I have tried defining V to be a random (1×29) matrix but I get the following error:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in trial (line 38)
CL(i) = (W(i).*g)./(0.5*density*(V.^2)*S);
Can anybody please help?

Best Answer

CL(i) is a single number, the i'th element of CL. You're trying to stuff a whole 29 element array into a space that can hold only a single number. Perhaps you want this???
CL(i) = (W(i).*g)./(0.5*density*(V(i).^2)*S);
If g, density, and S are also arrays, then you'd need to add (i) following them also, as well as having .* in front of S(i).
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