MATLAB: How to fix this error


function [x1, x2] = torus(a,b)
x1= ((.25*pi^2)*(a+b)*((b-a).^2));
x2= ((pi^2)*(b^2-a.^2));
> [volume, area]=torus(0.25:4,a+2)
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in torus (line 2)
x1= ((.25*pi^2)*(a+b)*((b-a).^2));
How to go about correcting problem, I thought for the element wise for variables a and b I could just input them as the values for torus(a,b)

Best Answer

Use element-wise multiply operator .* instead of * which is matrix multiply:
x1= ((.25*pi^2)*(a+b).*((b-a).^2)); % <-- changed * to .*
x2= ((pi^2)*(b.^2-a.^2)); % <-- changed ^2 to .^2