MATLAB: How to fix this error

possibly unbalanced

Hello everyone
function [cost] = costf(x)
global data; global finalcost;
% Compute individual differences
% Sum of squares performed by Matlab's lsqnonlin
for i=1:length(data)
cost(i)= data(i, 5) - call_heston_cf(data(i, 1),x(1), x(2), (x(5)+x(3)^2)/(2*x(2)), x(3), data(i, 4), x(4), data(i, 2),
data(i, 3));
% Show final cost
finalcost =sum(cost)^2
I have this code for calibration of Heston price and I get this error (for line 6 and 7):
Error: File: costf.m Line: 6 Column: 121
Expression or statement is incorrect--possibly unbalanced (, {, or [.
and also it says Parse error at <EOL>: usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax for line 6
Parse error at ')':usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax for line 7.
I'm really new to MATLAB and I really need your help.
Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

You split the code over multiple lines without using ... to indicate that the line was being continued. You should put all of that code of line 6 onto one line.
cost(i)= data(i, 5) - call_heston_cf(data(i, 1),x(1), x(2), (x(5)+x(3)^2)/(2*x(2)), x(3), data(i, 4), x(4), data(i, 2), data(i, 3));