MATLAB: How to fix these errors in the matlab code

digital image processing

i'm trying to stack 2d images to get 3d just like How can I plot several 2D image in a stack style in Matlab? but i get these errors.
and someone suggested to go with the below code
M = zeros(25, 50, 8);
for k = 1:8
img = imread(sprintf('%d-0000.jpg', k + 30));
img = imresize(img, [25 50]);
img = im2double(rgb2gray(img)); % Convert to double format
M(:, :, k) = img;
hf2 = figure ;
hs = slice(M,[],[],1:8) ;
shading interp
this is the error i get error screenshot
please help me solve this errors. i am a beginner.
i have attached all the files i used for the code

Best Answer

Some of your .jpg files are very rare grayscale JPEG. This makes approximately the 4th and 5th actual grayscale JPEG that I have ever encountered (outside of test images to prove that it can be done.)
Earlier today in I posted some code that tries to deal with several of the different complications of images not having the expected number of dimensions or panes.