MATLAB: How to fix the size of the existing uicontrols in the template GUIs in GUIDE in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)


How do I fix the size of the existing uicontrols in the template GUIs in GUIDE in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)?
When I attempt to resize any the template GUIs, to find space in which to put new uicontrols, the existing uicontrols stretch and fill the space I wanted to use. How can I keep the old uicontrols the same size, and in the same place, while changing the size of the template GUI?

Best Answer

In order to force the old uicontrols to remain the same size and in the same place, while resizing the GUI, select all of the uicontrols and set their Units property to 'points' instead of 'normalized' using the Property Inspector. Once you have done this you can resize the template GUI without modifying the existing uicontrols. After you are finished resizing the GUI, change the Units property of all the preexisting uicontrols back to 'normalized' for platform independence.