MATLAB: How to fix the Function ‘subsindex’ is not defined for values of class ‘cell’ in the code

image processingMATLAB

The code below returns the error 'Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'cell'.'
Error in main_lameness_algo (line 93)
if (mean(Dprev(refimage{g,1})))<((refimage{g,2})+50) && ((refimage{g,2})-50)<(mean(Dprev(refimage{g,1})))
Please how can I fix it
refimage = cell(5,3);
n = 1;
while 1
n = n+1;
filename = ['f' num2str(n) '.txt'];
B2 = reshape(A2,[512,424]);
C2 = transpose(B2);
rowstart2 = 1;
rowstop2 = 370;
colstart2 = 50;
colstop2 = 512;
D2 = C2(rowstart2:rowstop2,colstart2:colstop2);
D2(D2<1) = 2600;
D2(D2<2000) = 2600;
filenameprev = ['f' num2str(n-1) '.txt'];
Bprev = reshape(Aprev,[512,424]);
Cprev = transpose(Bprev);
rowstartprev = 1;
rowstopprev = 370;
colstartprev = 50;
colstopprev = 512;
Dprev = Cprev(rowstartprev:rowstopprev,colstartprev:colstopprev);
Dprev(Dprev<1) = 2600;
Dprev(Dprev<2000) = 2600;
pigtime = 0;
thresholdValue2 = 0.7;
originalImage2 = mat2gray(D2,[1600 2600]);
binaryImage2 = originalImage2 < thresholdValue2; % Bright objects will be chosen if you use >.
binaryImage2 = imfill(binaryImage2, 'holes');
binaryImage2 = bwareaopen(binaryImage2,5000); %remove blobs less than certain pixels
labeledImage2 = bwlabel(binaryImage2, 8);
blobMeasurements2 = regionprops(labeledImage2, D2, 'all');
numberOfBlobs2 = size(blobMeasurements2, 1);
if numberOfBlobs2<1
for g = 1 : numberOfBlobs2 % Loop through all blobs (sitting pigs).
thisBlobsPixels = blobMeasurements2(g).PixelIdxList; % Get list of pixels in current blob.
refimage{g,1} = {thisBlobsPixels};
thisBlobsPixvals = blobMeasurements2(g).PixelValues; % Get list of pixels values in current blob.
refimage{g,2} = {mean(thisBlobsPixvals)};
%refimage{g,3} = {pigtime};
if (mean(Dprev(refimage{g,1})))<((refimage{g,2})+50) && ((refimage{g,2})-50)<(mean(Dprev(refimage{g,1})))
refimage{g,3} = (refimage{g,3}) + 5;
if n ==20

Best Answer

I think you mean to have,
refimage{g,1} = thisBlobsPixels;
refimage{g,2} = mean(thisBlobsPixvals);
%refimage{g,3} = pigtime;
In any case, the error message means you have tried to use a cell element to index into a numeric array, as in the following,
x({1}), %doesn't work