MATLAB: How to fix the elements in the code so that they can be the same

element agreementelement by elementelementserror

%I keep getting the error of 'In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.' I believe the problem is with Bn, but I am not sure how to fix this.
clear all, close all, nfig = 0;
%Data in Problem
S = 1200; To = 40; k = 0.16; HH = 16; H = 16*(0.0254); WW = 10; W = 10*(0.0254); Ly = H/2; Lx = W/2; Nx = 101; x = linspace(0, W, Nx)'; nmax = 50; tol = 0.001;
Ln = zeros(1,nmax); Bn = zeros(1,nmax); for n = 1:nmax Ln(n)= ((2*n-1)*pi)/(2*Lx); Bn(n) = ((2*S)/(k*Lx))*((-1)^n)./((Ln.^3).*cosh(Ln*Ly)); end

Best Answer

Bn(n,:) = ((2*S)/(k*Lx))*((-1)^n)./((Ln.^3).*cosh(Ln*Ly))