MATLAB: How to fix the code


I have the code below but I am geting an error:Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).
for i=1:N
stations(i).station_number = x(1);
stations(i).month = x(2);
stations(i).day = x(3);
stations(i).price = x(4);
stations(i).quantity = x(5);

Best Answer

If you want to set ‘N’ to the row size of ‘DATA’, this is preferable:
N = size(DATA,1);
Perhaps you intend to read the entire row, so that would change ‘x’ to:
that would work with the rest of the loop.
Since we have no idea what ‘DATA’ is, we can only guess at a solution.
Note that there are likely much more efficient ways of doing what the code you posted does.