MATLAB: How to fix ‘Error using contains First argument must be a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors.’

character vectorerror using containsfirst argument must be a string arraylookuptablefilesor cell array of character vectors.

I am getting the error:
Error using contains First argument must be a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors.
Error in xlsxdatatostructurearray/getgastablelisting (line 17) TF1 = contains(Directory{d},FilePrefix,'IgnoreCase',true);
Error in xlsxdatatostructurearray (line 25) for l = 1:length(getgastablelisting(FilePrefix, DirectoryName, filetype))
please help.
This is the code that is giving the error.
function [LookupTableFiles] = getgastablelisting(FilePrefix, DirectoryName, filetype)
LookupTableFiles = {};
Directory = dir(DirectoryName);
Directory = struct2cell(Directory);
for d = 1:length(Directory)
TF1 = contains(Directory{d},FilePrefix,'IgnoreCase',true);
TF = contains(Directory{d},filetype,'IgnoreCase',true);
if (TF1 == 1) && (TF == 1)
LookupTableFiles = {LookupTableFiles Directory{d}};

Best Answer

There are 6 fields in structure i.e. name, folder, data, bytes, isdir and datenum
three of them are str and two of them are numbers
when you convert struct2cell it puts each fileld in a new cell giving you the size of 6xactual number of files or folders
will give you file name and can work with contains
will give you folder name and can work with contains