MATLAB: How to fix: Cell contents assignment to a non-cell array object


Following is the part of my code where I am getting 'Cell contents assignment to a non-cell array object' error.
for kk = 1:2
switch choosePara(kk)
case 4
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile({'*.txt';'*.csv';'*.*'},'Select the text file that contains the data')
paramMat{kk}{end+1} = FileName;
paramMat{kk}{end+1} = PathName;
case 8
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile({'*.txt';'*.csv';'*.*'},'Select the text file that contains the data');
paramMat{kk}{end+1} = FileName;
paramMat{kk}{end+1} = PathName;
I am working on the GUI of my code where this error is coming. The code does assign values to FileName and PathName but still gives this error on:
paramMat{kk}{end+1} = FileName;
Is there anything I can do to fix this? Also can anyone explain why this error is coming?

Best Answer

Found the solution: The paraMat array was defined with [] brackets which should be defined by {} where remaining code was calling this array.