MATLAB: How to fit bivariate probability distribution functions to sample data

copulacopulafitfitfittingmultivariatepdfStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I am trying to fit bivariate pdfs to 2-D sample data. I would like to know if there are any functions available in MATLAB, to do this.

Best Answer

If you know the distribution type for the sample data, you can fit the sample with a PDF by getting a Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the parameters of the distribution. For specific distribution types, like Gaussian, the Statistics Toolbox has built-in functions that do the parameter estimation.
Another way to fit PDFs to 2-dimensional data is using the COPULAFIT functions which will fit a Copula. The documentation page on 'Multivariate Modeling' has examples on fitting Gaussian PDF's and Copulas to sample data. Here is a link to the page: