MATLAB: How to find unknowns for series of input values

MATLABtwo equations two unknowns

Hi all:
how to find x and y for series of values of m and n.
where n and m are constants such that
m=[2 5 7 10]
n=[4 20 3 4]
i want to find x and y for all m and n values such taht x and y for the first values of m and n(m=2 & n=4).
again x and y for second values of m and n(m=5 & n=20) and so on…
thanks from all of you.

Best Answer

Do you mean you want to find the values of x and y that satisfy 2*x*2 - 3*y*4 = 100? If so you should be aware that there are an infinite number of solutions!
Or do you mean you want to find the values of x and y that are a best fit to all 4 sets of equations simultaneousy?