MATLAB: How to find unique group of numbers

cell arrayMATLABunique

I have a cell array like the below, storing some groups of numbers:
C{1} = [1; 3; 4];
C{2} = [3; 9; 135; 278];
C{3} = [6; 89; 256; 803; 6987; 2356];
C{4} = [356; 799; 2567; 5680];
C{5} = [4; 1; 3];
There are some duplicates. For example, C{1} and C{5} are duplicates. How do I remove the duplicates from this array?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

I propose do it this way:
% Test example
C{1} = [1; 3; 4];
C{2} = [3; 9; 135; 278];
C{3} = [6; 89; 256; 803; 6987; 2356];
C{4} = [356; 799; 2567; 5680];
C{5} = [4; 1; 3];
s1 = cellfun('size',C,1);
m = max(s1);
d = cellfun(@(a) [length(a), sort(a).', inf(1,m-length(a))], C, 'unif', 0); % First row is the length, Pad the tail with inf
[~,i] = unique(cell2mat(d(:)),'stable','rows');
C = C(i); % Here is the final cells to be kept
% Display