MATLAB: How to find the x value at the maximum


Here is a MATLAB code to find the maximum of the Y_B (which is a function of
T and t) against t.
t = 0.2:0.1:20;
T = 600:2:850;
for i = 1:numel(T)
k1 = 1e7 .* exp(-12700 ./ T(i));
k2 = 5e4 .* exp(-10800 ./ T(i));
k3 = 7e7 .* exp(-15000 ./ T(i));
for j = 1:numel(t)
Y_B(i,j) = (k1/(k2-k1-k3))*(exp(-(k1+k3)*t(j))-exp(-k2*t(j)));
plot(t, max(Y_B, [], 1));
How do I find the corresponding value of T at the Y_Bmax and plot it against t?

Best Answer

t = 0.2:0.1:20;
T = 600:2:850;
for i = 1:numel(T)
k1 = 1e7 .* exp(-12700 ./ T(i));
k2 = 5e4 .* exp(-10800 ./ T(i));
k3 = 7e7 .* exp(-15000 ./ T(i));
for j = 1:numel(t)
Y_B(i,j) = (k1/(k2-k1-k3))*(exp(-(k1+k3)*t(j))-exp(-k2*t(j)));
plot(T(idx), val,'-o');