MATLAB: How to find the values of local maximas between certain points on a graph using the “findpeaks” function


Say I used the "findpeaks" function to find the local maximas in my data as follows which produces the following graph:
t = 0:0.05:25; % values for time
y = cos(3*t);
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(y);
grid on; title('Position -vs- Time'); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Position');
Obviously in this instance, all the local maximas would have the same values for position. However, for the sake of argument, say I only wanted to find the values for the position of the local maximas between time = 10 and time = 25, how would I go about doing this without changing the values for 't' which I initially used to plot the graph?
Any help appreciated!

Best Answer

t = 0:0.05:25; % values for time
y = cos(3*t);
idx=find(t>=10 & t<=20);
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(y(idx));
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