MATLAB: How to find the transition for datetime data

matlab function

Hi I have a question about how to find the transition for datetime data. I have a time series data and I want to detect the start transition and end transition. I use this following code:
changingdate = rainanalysis{:,'DatumUhrzeit'} >= 1 ;
% use false as logical vector to determine transition. With function diff,
% transitions from false (0) to true (1) will be 1 and transitions from true
% to false will be -1. This will be 1 at the start of a dry period and -1 after the end
datetransitions = diff([false; changingdate; false]);
datestarts = find(datetransitions == 1);
dateends = find(datetransitions == -1) -1;
However I got an error "Comparison is not defined between datetime and double arrays." I attach also the time series table and the picture contain error message here. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

changingdate = diff(rainanalysis{:,'DatumUhrzeit'}) >= 1 ;