MATLAB: How to find the total number of attributes attached to a variable in Matlab netcdf


I am trying to write a loop (for i=1:m) to find all the attributes attached to each variable, but could not figure out how to find the total number of attributes (the value of 'm' within the loop). Below are all the attribute inquiry functions I find in Matlab:
attname = netcdf.inqAttName(ncid, varid, 0);
[xtype,attlen] = netcdf.inqAtt(ncid, varid, attname);
attid = netcdf.inqAttID(ncid,varid, attname);
It seems that none of the above functions will be able to tell me the number of attributes attached to each variable.

Best Answer

Have a look at netcdf.inqVar.
This page will give you an overview of all available netcdf.* functions: netcdf reference.