MATLAB: How to find the size of a cell array

cell arrayimporting excel datasize;

I have a cell array (raw from xlsread) that contains multiple data types. Is there a way to measure the size (length and width) of this cell array or convert it to a matrix so I can use the size function?

Best Answer

A = cell(20,11);
ans =
20 11
works for me... ? Or do you want the size of the contents of each cell?
cellsz = cellfun(@size,A,'uni',false);
Addendum per comment:
I still am not getting what you want.
clear A
>> A{1} = single(ones(4));
>> A{2} = uint8(toeplitz(1:10));
>> A{3} = 'Hello World'
A =
[4x4 single] [10x10 uint8] 'Hello World'
>> size(A)
ans =
1 3
>> cellsz = cellfun(@size,A,'uni',false);
>> cellsz{:}
ans =
4 4
ans =
10 10
ans =
1 11