MATLAB: How to find the position of points in a coordinate system

coordinate gridfor loopgeometrymatrixvectors

I am new to MatLab and still learning how to use 'for' loops correctly, as I may not even need to use one here.
I am trying to set up a coordinate system which will then cycle through every point and find the distance. I have coded the coordinate system like so:
x_step = 0.01;
z_step = 0.02;
Z = (-5:z_step:5);
X = (0:x_step:5);
which leaves me with two vectors, both with dimensions of 1-by-501.
Now the equation I am using to calculate the response at some point in the coordinate space is:
How would I write code which tells me the distance at each point?
I have had a go at writing a simple for loop which just outputs one value which I assume is the last. Here is the code:
for i = X
for j = Z
R = sqrt(i.^2+j.^2);
Please, any tips/advice or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

Using for loops:
R = zeros(numel(X),numel(Z));
for i = X
for j = Z
R(i,j) = sqrt(i.^2+j.^2);