MATLAB: How to find the position in cell arry

cell arrayscellfunfind position

I have cell array data example. D = {[1 2];[1 4];[1 6];[2 4];[2 5];}
I want to find the position of [1 6] in that D, and the answer is 3.
I try this command
suppose c = [1 6]
cellfun(@(x) ismember(x,c),D,'UniformOutput',false)
and the output is below
[0] [0] [1] [0] [0]
but I want the answer is 3
how to do it?
thank you

Best Answer

D = {[1 2];[1 4];[1 6];[2 4];[2 5];}
c = [1 6]
[~,~,idx] = intersect(c,cell2mat(D),'rows')