MATLAB: How to find the period of a random signal

digital sign processingperiod of a random function

Let's imagine that a friend of mine made a vector with this following attributes:
x = 0:0.001:20
y = exp(-x/30).*sin((2*pi/5)*x)
xx = x(end);
t = [x x+xx x+2*xx x+3*xx];
f = [y y y y];
Then, I got a function like this
He saved the vector t and f and then he sent them to me.
What I have to do is to find the period of the signal f(t) at matlab using the data of t and f. I'm having some issues trying to do this… I can't find 20 as my period valor. I have already tried finding period with zero-crossing strategies, autocorelation, but nothing that I did was effective. Could you guys help me solving this?

Best Answer

Hello henrique,
Did you see Mohammad Abouali's answer on a similar question? How to calculate period of signal with matlab
If not then check it out. Autocorrelation is being used to find the period of signal.
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